
Flight1 Citation Mustang Now FSX Steam Edition Compatible

The dev team for the award-winning Flight1 Citation Mustang has released an updated version of the aircraft, so it is now fully compatible with Dovetail’s Flight Simulator X Steam Edition. Customers of the product just need to download the add-on from the product page and reinstall it to have the option of installing it in FSX SE.

The new Citation Mustang is a breakthrough combination of power, speed and true jet affordability. Certified to be flown by a single pilot, the Mustang features state of the art engines delivering speeds of up to 340kts as well as the latest in large-format glass-cockpit flight displays, easing pilot workload, all while passengers relax in one of the largest cabins in its class. Flight One Software and Cessna Aircraft Company have joined forces to bring you an authentic simulation of this aircraft.

To download the update or to purchase this great business jet simulation, go to for more information, screenshots, videos, etc.


One Response to Flight1 Citation Mustang Now FSX Steam Edition Compatible

  • Pertti O. Sistonen says:

    I have had PC DC-ROM version of Citation Mustang and FSX with windows 7. Now I have windows 10 and FSX-SE, but assembly of Citation Mustang seems to be impossible. How can I upgrade my flight1 software to FSX-SE compatible? Frirndly Pertti Sistonen

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