
National Madden League Seeks Charter Flights

Kansas City, MO - The National Madden League is in search for a few carriers to transport the various franchises that make up the league.

“While a few of our teams have already been contracted out to various airlines, we still have many other teams that need a contract charter carrier,” said NML Commissioner Brandon Fisher.

The National Madden League was started in 2003 with only 5 teams. This season will be the league’s seventh with a total of 24 teams. Each week from now until January teams will need to be flown to their away games and back. It is requested that interested airlines be able to supply a Boeing 767 or Airbus 330 for these flights. The league website can be found at: and email at

While the football league is currently the one in need of charter flights, there are other sports leagues that will be in play soon who will also need flights. One example is the International Basketball Association which starts play this November. For more info on these teams check out


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