



Those of you who post regularly I’m sure have noticed that I haven’t been responding to requests to post on your behalf recently.  I posted the reason for this on FB but forgot to post here.  I’m still here and we’re not closing or anything.  On April 17th my home flooded.  We had around 2 feet of water in our home.  I’ve just been really busy with all the cleanup and turmoil that occurs when an event like this happens.  We lost everything downstairs, my wife’s car was totaled, and my truck took on water.  Still trying to save the truck.  We were living in a hotel for 5 weeks but are back home now.  We still have no walls, floor, or kitchen.  I may post pictures at some point.  What a mess.

I do assure you that I will be back and will resume posting for you and your virtual airlines again.  My apologies for lack of communication but our focus was getting back in the house.  Thanks for your understanding..

Best Regards,
Lindle Romero
Owner/Operator – VAFLASH.COM


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