
Flight1 Releases Major GTN Series Update V1.15

flight1Flight One Software is proud to announce it has reached a milestone in its update cycle for its flagship product, the GTN 750/650 Series.  The award-winning avionics package now fully supports PC Trainer V6 plus some other exciting features. This major update allows users to navigate using a more recent navigation database from July 2016 (Cycle 1607).  It also includes updates to SafeTaxi, airport charts, and basemap databases.  Users can now create custom defined holds (unpublished) and have the ability of Search and Rescue pattern support.

The update also includes the following new features: custom flight plan and custom waypoint loading, A document is also included on how to create them. Users can now add flight plans and/or import custom waypoints, making your flight simulator experience much more complete.

About the GTN Series
The GTN series units feature fully integrated GPS, NAV, COM, and MFD functions for all your General Aviation aircraft needs. The large screen and intuitive graphical touchscreen interface give you quick and easy access to terrain mapping, graphical flight planning, charts, traffic display and much more. Flight One Software is proud to bring you the next generation in desktop avionics to your favorite add-on aircraft in Flight Simulator X or Prepar3D.

For more information, screenshots and to purchase these great products for Microsoft Flight Simulator X or Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3d, please click on the link below:



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