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New faroeJet Virtual Closes Charter Agreement

FaroeJet VIRTUAL, with its headquarters on the Faroes, an island group north of Scotland has recently opened its doors. The airline operates a small fleet of BAe146-300 to destinations in Denmark. Recently it has signed a charter agreement for flights from Copenhagen to Reykjavik via Billund and back to Copenhagen via Faroe Islands.

Flying the North Atlantic is a harsh experience according to CEO Egon Holm. "Mist, fog showers and heavy crosswinds are frequent, and the localizers are off the runway headings, so you will have to hand-land the 4-engined Avro RJ100 Jet, which has STOL capabilites, on the fairly short runways. What more could a pilot wish."

"We use FSAcars for PIREPs, and we fly only online on VATSIM."

Mr. Holm started this virtual airline as a result of, in his eyes, over-automation of airline procedures. "I think there are two main reasons for the pilots loosing their enthusiasm to fly in VA's. First of all you are almost never talking to anyone, just to the machine, and secondly you very quickly find out, that it makes no difference, whether you are flying or not, nothing happens."

That is why the airline does not have an automated sign up process. Mr. Holm explains, "You will meet a human being in the other end every time you do something for this VA. You will never be talking to a machine or a system."

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