
Flanders Airlines, Terravia Agree on Ground Handling

From the 1st of July, Terravia, the groundhandling service of Air Belgium, will take care of the Flanders Airlines planes and passengers at Antwerp, Ostend, Brussels, Luxembourg and Dublin. Terravia will offer four services: passengers services, baggage handling, catering and maintenance.

Passengers services at Terravia comprises several activities. Terravia offers everything from ticketing, check-in and boarding services to special assistance for people that require more help.

“At Antwerp Deurne Airport and Ostend Bruges Airport Flanders Airlines will take care of these services themselves so they can offer our passengers the best service with a Flanders Airlines touch,” said the CEO.

Also, Terravia will handle all Flanders Airlines baggage and catering.

“If you have a tight connection our baggage services will do their best to get your bags with you on your next flight, ” The CEO said.

In Brussels, Terravia owns its own hangar facilities, equipped to maintain the majority of aircraft types in commercial services.

“From a small A-check to a thorough D-check, their hangars can do it all with the famous Belgian quality. On all airports where Terravia is active they are also able to handle light maintenance and line checks.”

Visit for more information on Terravia, or visit Flanders Airlines at


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