
FlyChenoa announces official launch date?

FlyChenoa officials aren't being too vocal on the official launch date for the airline, but they tell the VAFlash that it does expect it to be in the first week of August, possibly August 4th.

"This VA has not traveled far down the road, but we are getting close to the end of it now, where as a VA we will hopefully start a new chapter in the VA world,"  commented Carl Kendrick, CEO of FlyChenoa.

Board of Directors at FlyChenoa also confirmed the lease agreement for 2 Dash-8-Q200 Aircraft with Westernair and announced that the "City Jumper" routes will go ahead as planned, taking commuters from London City and linking them to Jersey, Sheffield, Doncaster and Belfast.

The press conference concluded with Mark Williams, Chief Training Officer for FlyChenoa, reporting that his training section was now ready for the first intake of future FlyChenoa pilots.

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