VASX has released its first podcast in a series that will keep all VASX members up to date. This first podcast, hosted by VASX Webmaster Bruce Chambers, addresses the stock price flucuations, corporations accepted to issue stock including the VA standard, and other a general introduction of Bruce Chambers, himself.
As VASX gets set to release a new series of services for VASX Investor and Corporation Gold and Platinum members, it will make the second podcast the focus of these upcoming upgrades.
"VASX members can voice their opinions about the podcast, the VASX stock trading environment, and anything else on the VASX Forum, " CEO Bruce Chambers said.
VASX has released its first podcast in a series that will keep all VASX members up to date. This first podcast, hosted by VASX Webmaster Bruce Chambers, addresses the stock price fluctuations, corporations accepted to issue stock including the VA standard, and other a general introduction of Bruce Chambers, himself.
In the podcast, Mr. Chambers explains why some airlines are not accepted into the stock market: "First of all, you need to have a downloadable fleet, that can be one plane [...] You have to have at least one hub. You have to have at least one pilot. This is what I call the virtual airline standard."
You can listen to the podcast at
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