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Oasis airlines takes to the skies

Boston based Oasis airlines begun operations August 1st this year. As a truly fictional airline, it currently has a fleet of 25 aircraft based on 8 major US airports, including Boston, Washington, Los Angeles and Chicago.

“We offer a robust hub and spoke international route system that serves over 400 destinations on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. Our routes have a mixture of aircraft, so that you as a pilot are not stuck in the same thing cockpit going to the same destination each day,” a company spokesman told reports.

“We believe in a building a foundation of entertainment and enjoyment… this is where entertainment meets innovation. Led by a real world airline first officer and a top rate staff of individuals who are committed to giving our pilots reliability in our systems and administrative responses, commitment to evaluate where we are and where we are going to give the pilots what they are looking for in this hobby, ” the spokesman added.

At the time of writing, some parts of the web site are not finished yet.

For more information and visit Oasis Airlines


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