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Super-Jumbo Sliced from The Hawaii Express Fleet

On December 1, 2008, The Hawaii Express ( will discontinue its use of the Airbus Industrie A380 “Super-Jumbo” in favor of smaller, more economical aircraft. While the routes forged by the double-decker A380 have been a moderate success, THX management has decided to remove the airplane from its fleet and will use its existing fleet of Airbus A340-300 aircraft for flights from San Francisco and Los Angeles.

In related news, THX also announced it will slow expansion of its contemporary division due to lack of acceptance of the new branch. “Things have been very slow here in the way of PiReps” reports THX, but they hope recent drives to boost membership numbers will soon be realized.

The Hawaii-based company curently hosts both a classic and contemporary edition of its operations, allowing members to explore the historical and fictional variations of the airline.


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