
Eagle Wings To Launch Training Academy

In an effort to achieve and maintain the high level of professionalism that is a trademark of Eagle Wings the management has decided to establish a new part of the company – Eagle Wings Academy.

“Eagle Wings Academy will be responsible for the training of new recruits as well as keeping seasoned members in top form. EW academy will be located at Zemunik airport (LDZD) as it is currently the best choice. With two runways which can be used for practicing a wide variety of procedures and help us fine tune the skills of our pilots, ” says Eagle CEO Ivan.

The fleet used for EW Academy will consist out of 3 airplanes: a Cessna 172 Skyhawk – one of the worlds most successful mass produced light aircraft in history, a Cirrus SR22 – a high-performance single-engine, four-seat, composite aircraft and a Cessna Citation X – a long range medium business jet aircraft, the fastest business jet in history.

Bojan Puzic has been named out Training Manager and will take over all of the duties for this post.


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