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UPS Virtual To Expand In The Philippines, Seeking Pilots

UPS Virtual, an airline with over 500 pilots is expanding heavily in Asia. Its Asian Hub is based in Angeles City in the Philippines, from where UPS has daily routes to destinations in Philippines, Australia, China, Malaysia, India, and anywhere between.

Says Hub Captain Janicijevic, “We currently are seeking pilots wishing to fly anything from long international flights to short regional bush flights utilizing aircraft such as an ATR-42 or a Dash 7 to even a YS-11.”

$5,000 Signing Bonus
“Also as a pilot with UPS Virtual, you are allowed to fly any of the thousands of other flights in the UPSVAC System. Our current incentives at this time is that anyone seeking employment as a virtual pilot at Angeles City, Phillippines (RPLC) will receive a $5,000 virtual signing bonus added to their personal salary, and any hours wished to be transferred over will be counted as double hour.”

To apply, visit


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