
VAFlash to Cease Operations management has decided to cease operations by August 10th.
We would like to thank all visitors and contributors for their support during the last years.


2 Responses to VAFlash to Cease Operations

  • Erick Ortiz says:

    Well it’s a bit sad to see her go again. I’m guessing this is the last time she’ll be up and running. JA it was fun working with you in the past man.

    Hope everything goes well for you in the future.

  • Lindle Romero says:

    I’m sorry to see that you guys are closing. I do a radio show for SkyBlueRadio and recently started using you guys for some VA news.

    Is there any way you would be willing to hand over the website and domain if someone were to step up to host it and continue the operations?

    I already have server space and I believe that the community needs a site such as this one to inform and educate on all things VA.

    Please contact me..

    Best regards,
    Lindle Romero

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