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Virtual ValuJet Airlines to hit 2010 with a BANG!

Virtual ValuJet Airlines has been providing passengers with low-cost, domestic travel since December of 2009. With feedback from customers and staff, VVA will be rolling out a new website, operating procedures, fleet, and new domestic & international travel destinations. These changes will be taking affect in the coming months. The company will be expanding it’s fleet to include the following type categories:

CATI Base Operations -> Beechcraft 1900
CATII Regional Operations -> Embraer 145
CATIII Mainline Domestic Operations -> McDonnell Douglas DC-9
CATIV Mainline International Operations -> Boeing 737-500

- Initial type category placement based off of entrance exam scores. New type category granted when applicant PASSES the requested type category exam.

Ranking System:
New Hire*
First Officer*

*Based off of flight time with ValuJet only

Visit their website at: !


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