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VAFLASH.COM Email Issues Resolved

I recently discovered that I haven’t received email in quite a while now.  Upon some investigation and troubleshooting I’ve found the problem and resolved it.  I’m receiving email submissions normally again.  If you have submitted something since the beginning of May and have not seen it posted here please resubmit if you would like it posted.  I understand that some of the submissions may have been time sensitive so I apologize if your submission was not posted in time for your event.

I’ve also had a few questions since I took over the site about logins and passwords for VAFLASH.  Currently logins actually don’t serve any purpose here.  I don’t have a “sendmail” outbound server associated with the site so confirmation emails will not be sent.  I may look at implementing this at a future date.

Thank You,
Lindle Romero


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