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Website Status and Site Rebranding

  I wanted to take the time to thank all who have wished me well on my surgery in comments and all the emails I have received.  They were definitely appreciated and helped keep my spirits high during my recovery.  My recovery took longer than anticipated but my arm is much better. :)   Thanks to everyone for their patience and support during my downtime..

Now for the real news of the day!  As you can see from the logo above, VAFlash will be undergoing a transformation of sorts.  The whole site will be redesigned and launched within a couple/few weeks.  I will also be expanding the VaFlash staff from one to many!  In addition to expanding beyond a one man shop, we will also be expanding VAFlash to include hardware and software reviews, editorials, and basically everything and anything related to Flight Simulation.  This has been in the plans for quite some time but was delayed due to multiple reasons.

Look for more information to come within the following days and weeks! :)

Best Regards,
Lindle Romero


2 Responses to Website Status and Site Rebranding

  • Dave Hayes says:

    We at Trans-Australia Aviation Group can’t wait for the new look VA Flash website. I’m glad your surgery was a big success as well.

  • Trevor de Verteuil says:

    Very glad to hear you have had a successful surgery! Will certainly be following VAFlash the next few weeks! Logo looks great! ;)

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