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Platinum Airways’ new Destination of the Week theme: It’s the runway, stupid!

Platinum Airways has announced its November theme for its Destination of the Week feature. With “It’s the runway, stupid!” the very virtual airline will be visiting four very special runways and airports. The theme runs from 30 October to 27 November 2011.

“It’s the runway, stupid!” will be visiting some of the world’s most peculiar runways. Consider Barra, Scotland (EGPR), the world’s only airport offering a scheduled service with three runways located on the beach. Or Funchal, Madeira (LPMA), with a runway extension built on pylons over land and sea, and with a parking garage underneath, given the Outstanding Structures Award by the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering? The third destination is Wellington, New Zealand (NZWN), which guarantees rough landings and wonderful sightings for wind surfers within 100 m – 300 ft of the runway. The final “It’s the runway, Stupid!” destination is one of Asia’s man-made airports, Kansai, Japan (RJBB), located on an artificial island in the middle of Osaka Bay.

In addition to its very popular Destination of the Week feature, the Relief section has been very active over the past month. While continuing to service several airports in the drought stricken Horn of Africa, Platinum Airways is organising relief flights into Bangkok’s two airports, Central America and eastern Turkey. As with DOTW destinations, charts and scenery files are provided when available. Platinum Airways recently introduced a reward system for Military mission flights, with ribbons being awarded for completed flights.

About Platinum Airways:

Keen to deliver on its mission to keep the fun in the hobby, Platinum Airways is probably the only virtual airline to combine an Open Skies policy, allowing its pilots to fly any mission of their choice with the aircraft of their choice at the time of their choice, with a strategic hub network. The carefully selected hubs, Newark (KEWR), Dallas-Fort Worth (KDFW), Vancouver (CYVR), Perth (YPPH) and Brussels (EBBR), should be attractive to a global membership. In addition, Platinum Airways offers its pilots a Destination of the Week and Relief and Military Missions. Sticking to the KISS principle (Keep It Straight and Simple), Platinum Airways hosts an active forum and a screenshot of the week competition, with the winner providing the main picture on its home page for the next week.

For more information, please visit or mail info [at]


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