
Platinum Airways Prepares Holiday Season With Diamonds Are Forever

Diamonds are forever is Platinum Airways’ new Destination of the Week theme. Running from 27 November 2011 to 1 January 2012, Diamonds are forever will visit four airports that are closely linked with this gem’s history and future, only to be interrupted with Platinum Airways’ traditional visit to Santa at Rovaniemi Airport in Finland.

As Christmas and New Year are only about a month away, Platinum Airways will be devoting its forthcoming Destination of the Week theme to what can probably be called the most ultimate gift: diamonds. Diamonds are forever will first take us to Kimberley, South Africa (FAKM), scene of the 19th Century diamond rush in the vicinity of the Big Hole and the de Beers farm. We will then continue to London City Airport (EGLC), not far from the Central Selling Organisation, the most important diamond trading institution. From London, it’s just a short hop across the Channel, to Antwerp, Belgium (EBAW), with its 500 year involvement in diamond cutting and trading. The final Diamonds are forever destination is Mumbai, India (VABB), another major trading centre not too far from India’s cutting industry capital, Surat. And Diamonds are forever will also take us to Santa’s home hub of Rovaniemi Airport, Finland (EFRO), where our pilots may find some diamonds for delivery. Diamonds are forever promises to be a very informative theme.

Last month’s introduction of a reward system for Military mission flights, with ribbons being awarded for completed flights, proved to be very successful. Military flights have increased dramatically and Platinum Airways management has responded by moving the Military section to the publicly available part of the virtual airline’s website. Still, significant website sections are only available to members, such as the forum and downloads.

About Platinum Airways:
Keen to deliver on its mission to keep the fun in the hobby, Platinum Airways is probably the only virtual airline to combine an Open Skies policy, allowing its pilots to fly any mission of their choice with the aircraft of their choice at the time of their choice, with a strategic hub network. The carefully selected hubs, Newark (KEWR), Dallas-Fort Worth (KDFW), Vancouver (CYVR), Perth (YPPH) and Brussels (EBBR), should be attractive to a global membership. In addition, Platinum Airways offers its pilots a Destination of the Week and Relief and Military Missions. Sticking to the KISS principle (Keep It Straight and Simple), Platinum Airways hosts an active forum and a screenshot of the week competition, with the winner providing the main picture on its home page for the next week.
For more information, please visit or mail info [at]


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