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Air Fresno Aquires New Aircraft

Faced with a difficult decision regarding its fleet, after a week of extensive testing Air Fresno has decided that the Airbus A318, as well as other variants, suit their service requirements. “The stickler was the approaches into both South Lake Tahoe and Santa Barbara where terrain and noise were issues. There simply was no other choice available for the steep approaches and departures at these two locations than the A318 with it’s Steep Approach Mode and Fly By Wire.” The airline immediately secured a lease for one A318 with the enhanced capabilities while placing an order for purchase for one from Airbus for expedited delivery. Air Fresno is also acquiring one A319, two A320′s and one A321, with the A319 arriving by mid-January. As each new variant arrives Air Fresno will expand it’s routes for that model. “Investment in these aircraft is going to be substantial, we wanted to make sure the choice we make today is going to still be the right one at the end of 2012″. Cost for the five planned aircraft is estimated at $305 million, with the last aircraft set to arrive my the end of March. Air Fresno’s new aircraft and revised familiar livery can be seen at


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