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Canadian Xpress January Fly-In: In Memory of Pappy Boyington

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday January 21st, 2012 at 19h00est (24h00z) for our January Monthly Fly-In where it is time to dust off your favorite piston pounder as this month we go back to January 1944 and fly the route of Major Greg ‘Pappy’ Boyington’s Marine Squadron VMF214 over Rabaul. This where he shot down his 26th enemy plane, and later was himself shot down.

As Vella la Vella which is the home base of the Blacksheep does not exist in Flight Simulator, we will be departing from the next closest island Gizo (AGGN) and fly over Bougainville Island and land at Buka (AYBK) and then continue on north east flying the airport of Tokua to the north side of the bay and the city of Rabaul, where Pappy was shot down. We will then turn back and end our journey at Tokua (AYTK).

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network.

More information regarding this event including charts and optional add-on scenery can be viewed by clicking here or by visiting our web site at .

See you on Saturday the 21st.


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