
Canadian Xpress May 2012 Fly-In: Ancient Worlds

From the Pyramids to the Acropolis, we cross centuries of history through the Mediterranean Sea. Our History and cultures were marked by those two ancient worlds and still is today. Just think of the Papyrus and the Olympic games.

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our May 2012 fly-in where we will depart from Cairo (HECA), capital of Egypt, to Athens (LGAV), capital of Greece.

Although not required, we highly recommend that you install the add-on sceneries in order to truly appreciate the beauty and the landmarks of both countries.

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network.

More information regarding this event including charts and optional add-on scenery can be viewed by clicking here or on our web site located at which you can access by visiting the Monthly Fly-In page under Events.


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