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Caal Airways Virtual Monthly Update for May 2012

A lot has happened at Caal in the month of May. The website has had a major update and has new features added ,including a new stats centre and a timetable. Also when a flight is logged or a new pilot joins it is automatically tweeted on our Twitter.

Our Va central rank went down a couple of places but we are still in a good position in the top 100 VA’s. We logged 77 flights and 8 new pilots joined . Very good figures indeed. Our pilots have also been busy in the control towers on Vatsim with some gaining their GND S1
qualification. I have qualified as a P1 Mentor so can now train pilots officially to fly on Vatsim.

The new management structure is firmly in place but we still require 3 hub Captains. The USA and South Africa is still under represented so all resources should go into helping the respective Ops Managers recruit some pilots.

All in all a good month for the VA lets hope June will be another good month as we get closer to our first birthday.

Thank you for your continued support.

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