
bluWave Breaks Ground on First-Ever Crew Facility at Las Vegas McCarran Airport

Las Vegas, NV — Joined by Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn E. Goodman, community leaders, local residents, and proud bluWave Airlines employees, the new low-cost carrier today officially broke ground on its first-ever crew facility to be built along East Diablo Avenue. The construction of the facility is said to be the airline’s first sole-investment in two (2) years, such that it will not depend on external funds from the company’s half-dozen investors.

According to the carrier’s website, improved quarterly reports have played a key factor in the firm’s recent operational tactics which seem to justify the management’s decision to build the facility. However, analysts remain skeptical.

“It’s one thing if an airline shows increased performance quarter after quarter,” Michele Ryan told VAFlash reporters. “It’s another thing if an airline shows increased performance quarter after quarter and spends their resources wisely. What is not something is if a startup airline shows increased performance quarter after quarter and spends their resources benefiting their pilots.”

Alex Barnes, senior analyst at Jefferies & Company, specializes on the West coast market of the airline industry and mentioned at the celebratory convention that although Ryan’s statement was generally true for most of the legacy carriers, he believes that it doesn’t hold water.

“You’re talking about an airline that, yes–is new to the market–but at the same time repeatedly gains market share every six (6) months,” Barnes told VAFlash. “I agree with Ryan that their move to build a crew facility this soon in the process is rare for most companies in this industry, but I think the firm can ‘carry the wave through to shore.’”

bluWave currently leases the two (2) of its buildings that will be neighboring its to-be crew facility along East Diablo Avenue and Haven Street, featuring its training facility and its maintenance hangar, respectively. COO Johnathan Neilsen stated that in addition to keeping travel expenses at a minimal, constructing these buildings within such a close vicinity of each other allows for the three (3) departments to operate as one while on the ground at McCarran.

The building is only intended for use during overnight layovers. All other operations will continue to be housed at the company’s headquarters in Henderson. Construction is expected to be completed by summer 2013.

The management of bluWave Airlines declined to make any additional comments on this article.

NOTE: This document is fictional. There is no real-world airline known as bluWave Airlines, Inc. and the firm does not intend to build a physical crew facility in Las Vegas, NV by year-end 2013.

For additional information, read the full press release here.


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