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Caal Airways Virtual Monthly Update for June 2012

Time once again for my monthly report. June was a good month considering some pilots were on holiday and some were doing exams. Our Va central rank moved up and down slightly throughout the month but this is to be expected as we are now up among the most active Va’ and it now becomes harder to improve the ratings.

We recorded 108 pireps and had 4 new pilots join our ranks. Congratulations must go to our UK Ops Manager Jack Boyle who recorded the best landing with a -3fpm landing rate and also to John Hodder who had the most flights with a total of 31 pireps. Well done to both of you.

The website had some improvments made with the most noticeable being that when a new pilot joins he is automatically registered in the forum.

Zack the Ireland Hub Captain is trying to organise an event called a tour of Ireland. I would appeal to you all to support him in this by signing up when it is released as it would be great to improve our community and this is one way of doing it with us all flying together.

It is also approaching our 1ST birthday and I would like some ideas of a way in which we could celebrate this. Please email or airmail me with your suggestions.

I will finish my report by thanking you all for your continued support and for keeping our VA one of the best to be a member of.

Alan Cooke
CEO Caal Airways


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