
Pakak Air Announces Completion of End of Year Upgrades

Pakak Air has now completed its end of year upgrades. They include a brand new choice for members when it come to the website skin. Members can now choose between the classic look the new “upgraded” look.

We have also added Pakak Air to FSAirlines for those pilots that are interested in trying something a little different. All flights from our FSAirlines presence will soon be in the Pakak Air database, and VISA VERSA .

New route Nav Aids added to the Pakak Air database now make it possible to show actual nav aid route information on your booking maps.

Twitter account now active and operational.

New Google + page for members (and anyone else).

Private mumble server now open for members.

As you can see we have had a busy end of year here at Pakak Air. We hope that you will come check us out, and join us for some fun with history and flight sim !

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