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Canadian Xpress April 2013 Challenge – Heli Skiing

Spring is here, but the skiing in the interior of British Columba is the best it’s been in years. In fact, the ski season has been pushed passed its normal March 31st closing date and operators have been given the green light to continue helicopter skiing operations until April 30th. This extra month of skiing has put pressure on local operators, equipment, and maintenance personnel.

For the April Challenge, pilots will load up the Canadian Xpress® Bell 205 with 3 skiers and 1 guide and fly east along the Mud Lake Delta for a bit of site seeing before climbing to the top of mountain peaks pushing above 10,000 feet to drop off your skiers in the Hallam Peak area then fly down to the valley below and pick up another group waiting to return to Blue River.

Join Canadian Xpress today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won including software from Aerosoft.

The April 2013 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress pilots from April 3rd until April 30th, 2013 so join Canadian Xpress today by visiting .

*Canadian Xpress accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other virtual airline hours with no limits.


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