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Canadian Xpress August 2015 Challenge – Dangerous Airports II


This month, we pick up where we left off way back in June of 2014 with our Dangerous Airports Challenges. Our next few events will take you on some of the most dangerous approaches and airports in the world. Eventually, these challenges will become part of a Dangerous Airports tour.

This month’s challenge take us from Telluride (KTEX) to Aspen (KASE). Pilots must be certified to land in Aspen, because the approach requires a swift descent through the mountains to a high altitude landing, so study your approach charts.

Join Canadian Xpress today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won including:

The Canadian Xpress August 2015 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress pilots from August 2nd until August 29th, 2015 so join Canadian Xpress today by visiting*

Canadian Xpress accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other virtual airline hours with no limits.

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