
Sky Blue Radio FS In Focus Show Welcomes VATSIM! (Tune in October 10th, 1800Zulu)

fsif oct 2015Sky Blue Radio presents a new and exciting edition of FS InFocus, when host DJ RotoMoto and co-host Captain Crunch welcomes Mark Richards and Roger Curtiss from Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network (VATSIM) on October 10th at 1800 Zulu!  We will also be featuring a special guest from World Flight Group.

Mark Richards is Chairman of VATSIM’s Executive Committee which comprises of 5 other Regional members from across the globe.  The VATSIM Executive Committee (EC) is responsible for the operations of the VATSIM Network virtual airspace around the world.

Mark has been a member of VATSIM, and its predecessor SATCO, since 1996, joining in the very early days. He was one of the Founders of SATPAC (later VATPAC), the Australian and Pacific Division and was the first Division Director of the Division and with other founders, set about establishing SATCO in this part of the world. In the same year, he was appointed as a Network Supervisor and have been continually undertaking this role ever since.

Some topics he will discuss include:
*Role of the Executive Committee
*Challenges facing VATSIM and opportunities to improve
*GRP-VATSIM Global Ratings Policy

Roger Curtiss is Vice President Virtual Airlines and Special Operations for VATSIM.  Roger has been involved in flight simulation since at least 1995.  He is a member of SATCO/VATSIM continuously since 1998.  Various positions in VATSIM included ATM ZOB, VATUSA5 and VATGOV9 (current position since 2011).

Some topics he will discuss include:
*Virtual Airlines and Special Operations
*Proposed Code of Conduct amendment
*Encouraging New Pilots to join VATSIM
*Future of VATSIM

Mark and Roger will answer all your questions LIVE on air and you will receive unprecedented access and information inside the VATSIM Network Staff during the show!  This is a show you cannot afford to miss!  You can also call in to the show via our FS In Focus hotline at 1-888-577-7415 extension 717.

We will also have a special guest from World Flight Group’s 2015 Charity Event to discuss the details of World Flight 2015!

Be sure to tune in on October 10th, at 1800 Zulu for Sky Blue Radio’s FS In Focus!  Cannot tune in?  The show will be podcasted and re-broadcast throughout October!  Check for details.

FS In Focus is a new monthly talk show on Sky Blue Radio. Sky Blue Radio broadcasts 24/7 around the world. Listeners can tune in to Sky Blue Radio by accessing our website at Listeners may also tune in via their com 2 radios on 123.45 with our Free Wee Tune Beastie application available for download on our website. We are available via Black Berry, Android or iPhone phones through the TuneIn Application.

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