Flag Mountain Software and Aerius Designs are proud to announce that ATCPro, a realistic Air Traffic Control Simulation of the TRACON environment, is now available for download purchase. ATCpro is a revolutionary simulation written from the ground up that sets the bar high for a level of realism never before seen in desktop computer simulations. It authentically simulates the TRACON environment of air traffic control where aircraft are monitored on radar and guided to their destinations within 30 miles of major airports in the United States.
It has been in development for over 2 years, by Flag Mountain Software and Aerius Designs, a team of software experts, aviation professionals and enthusiasts including real Air Traffic Controllers with more than 30 years professional experience.
ATCPro Key Features
Cutting Edge Speech Recognition and Text to Speech Technology
Player works Side By Side with Virtual Controllers
Realistic Stars Scope
Facilities Divided Into Real Sectors
Accurate Real World Data
Detailed Documentation and Tutorials
ATCPro is not Just a Game
It challenges the user to experience the thrill of a professional controller. The simulated equipment and systems are not faked or dumbed down. The procedures and videomap overlays are real. The aircraft flights are from current schedules. A microphone headset must be used to speak commands just like real controllers with a minimum of keyboard input.
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