
Canadian Xpress January 2017 Challenge – Canada 150th Anniversary I


Welcome to the Canadian Xpress Canada 150th Challenge, where over the next 7 months, we will tour the great nation of Canada as it and its people celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation.

Starting in the current Capital of Ottawa we head west to Toronto, Winnipeg and the western provincial capitals. From there we turn north to visit the 3 territory capitals and then on to the East coast provincial capitals along with Quebec City. At which point we head for the final stop of Kingston Ontario, Canada’s first capital and home of Confederation.

This is a multi-leg 7,000nm journey, which will be flown in Canadian Built aircraft. For the longer legs sit back and enjoy the cruising comfort of the Bombardier CRJ-700. On the shorter to mid length flights look for the quick handling short field performance of the Bombardier Dash 8-Q400. And for those mountain passage legs and short east coast hops, the DeHavilland Dash 6-Q300 Twin Otter makes for a great scenic VFR ride.

This month, we depart from Ottawa (CYOW) and head to Toronto (CYYZ) and then on to Winnipeg (CYWG) with any Canadian Xpress Bombardier or DeHavilland aircraft that are available to all pilots regardless of rank, but only for the challenge.

Join Canadian Xpress today in order to participate as there are some great prizes to be won including:

• Aerosoft Products

• Bonus Flight Hours

• Canadian Xpress Monthly Challenge Award

The January 2017 Challenge is open to all Canadian Xpress® pilots from January 2nd until January 29th, 2017.

*Canadian Xpress® accepts 50% of your VATSIM, IVAO or other virtual airline hours with no limits.

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