From the staff at 1 Air, we would love to welcome Bruce Smith (AIR0649) as our new Public Affairs/ Marketing Manager. We cant wait to see how you go during the first few weeks in your new role.
The Public Affairs / Marketing manager is in charge of helping the airline get its name out into the public through various sources, and is tasked at answering questions asked by the media or public. The person in this role also helps to provide the Operations Manager (Oliver Cooksey as of 2012) to provide information on expansion of the airline.
This new signing of a staff member is encouraging for our airline, which is about to enter its second year.
1 Air virtual is hiring pilots to help expand our new Manchester and Bristol bases. Join at
Finally after a few weeks of planning and teasing the public, 1 Air had announced the opening of a new hub at Manchester International airport which will allow for the airline to expand on the long haul market with larger aircraft such as there new 767 which has already been placed on a daily MAN-JFK schedule. This move lead the citizens of Bristol to question if the airline was considering leaving Bristol as whole; the airlines VCEO was quick to respond via there facebook page saying ” Bristol will remain the center of operation for our airline but due to runway problems there, an increase number of flights to Manchester will be needed to allow for a larger amount of passengers to fly to the city” It was also noted that the airline are looking at options for new domestic services from Continue reading
1 Air virtual announced a revised route network which, according to there VCEO Tom Helps ” was the combination of weeks of planning after we discovered a few flaws In the network”.
The changes introduced in the network revision include the cancellation of all ERJ145 routes except for the EGLC and Jersey rotations, The introduction of a new EGGD-EGNS ERJ145 service and a route change for the A318 which sees it flying to EGCC rather then London City, A move which “Is part of a major expansion plan in which we will be announcing shortly”, according to there Operations manager Oliver Cooksey. What this expansion plan will be is not yet known but it could mean the introduction of 1 Air into a more competitive market which it looks ready for. The CEO was reported in saying that Continue reading