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Canadian Xpress October Fly-In – World Series Game 4

CXA_Octo_2015_FlyInIt’s Game 4 of the MLB 2015 World Series between the Kansas City Royals and the New York Mets.

Games 1 and 2 where played in Kansas City, and for Games 3 and 4 we moved to Citi Field in Flushing New York.

Truthfully, we would have love to been flying this from Toronto not Kansas City, but we are sure there are Canadian Xpress® pilots who are fans of the Royals or the Mets, so come out and show your support for your fellow pilots.

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to Continue reading


Canadian Xpress October 2015 Challenge – Dangerous Airports IV


This month, our mission is to depart from Stornoway (EGPO) and fly to Barra Airport (EGPR) which is a short-runway airport (or STOLport) situated in the wide shallow bay of Traigh Mhor at the north tip of the island of Barra in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. The airport is unique, being the only one in the world where scheduled flights use a beach as the runway. The beach is set out with three runways in a triangle, marked by permanent wooden poles at each end. At high tide these runways are under water so flight times vary with the tide. Emergency flights occasionally operate at night from the airport with vehicle lights used to illuminate the runway and reflective strips laid on to the beach.

Join Canadian Xpress today in order to Continue reading


Canadian Xpress September Fly-In – Happy 19th MS Flight Simulator 95


In the fall of 1996, Microsoft released Flight Simulator for Windows 95 (FS6), the first windows based version of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Although this was more or less just a port from the DOS version (FS5.1) released just a year earlier, it did feature vastly improved frame-rates, better haze as well as additional aircraft, including the Extra 300 aerobatic aircraft. It also featured more 3-D detailing. This could be noticed in many places such as Manhattan and Meigs Field. This version was the first to also include major airports outside the US and Europe, which put Canadian airports (11 of them) in the simulator for the first time.

This month we are going to pay tribute to that lost flight simulator, which helped get it all started some 19 years ago. Departing from Toronto (CYYZ), it would be fitting to visit the default airport of Flight Simulator for Windows 95 Meigs Field (KCGX). However sadly due to political reasons at the time using the tragic events of September 11, 2001 to back up his actions, on the night of Sunday March 30, 2003, Mayor Daley ordered city crews to Continue reading


Canadian Xpress September 2015 Challenge – Dangerous Airports III


This month, we move from high mountains to Fjords full of icebergs. Departing from St. John’s (CYYT), your mission is to fly to one of the most dangerous airports in the north, Narsarsuaq Airport (BGBW) in Greenland with either the Canadian Xpress® Boeing C-17 or Lockheed C-130 which is available to all pilots regardless of rank, but only for the challenge.

The approach is through a fjord, so it’s necessary to make 90 degree turn to Continue reading


Canadian Xpress August Fly-In – 6th Anniversary


Back in early 2009 a close group friends and pilots found themselves without a virtual airline to call home. They could have just went and found a new one, but instead they decided to stick together and build a new virtual airline from the ground up and on September 4th, 2009 Canadian Xpress officially opened.

Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots & virtual airlines to join us on Saturday, August 29th  at 10h00edt (14h00z) and 21h00edt (Sunday 01h00z) for our August 2015 fly-in and help us celebrate our 6th anniversary where we fly from our training base in Moncton (CYQM) to our operational headquarters in Montreal (CYUL).

This is an open invitation to Continue reading


Canadian Xpress British Columbia Float Tour


The Canadian Xpress British Columbia Float Tour is based on Harbour Air which is a scheduled service, tour and charter airline based in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. The all-seaplane airline specializes in routes between Vancouver, Nanaimo, Victoria, Sechelt, Comox, Whistler and the Gulf Islands, primarily with DeHavilland Canada floatplanes. Along with West Coast Air and Whistler Air, it operates DeHavilland Beavers, Otters and Twin Otters.

The Canadian Xpress British Columbia Float Tour consists of 34 legs that follow routes of Harbour Air that must Continue reading


Canadian Xpress July Fly-In – Mighty Planes – B737-200


Anyone who is a fan of all things that fly, has probably watched The Discovery’s Channels series called Mighty Planes. The 5th episode of their second season which aired in the middle of June was on the Boeing 737-200 operated by Nolinor Aviation based out of Montreal Mirabel airport.

The show covered the operation of the 737-200 as it traveled from Mirabel to Val-D’Or, here it loaded up cargo for the giant mining company Agnico Eagle for transport to their Meadowbank mine in Nunavut.

For this month’s fly-in we wanted to Continue reading


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