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Canadian Xpress March Fly-In: Land of the Rising Sun

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our March Fly-In where we will explore Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun.

Departing from the southern end in Nagasaki (RJFU), we will head north to Nagoya (RJGG) then continue on to Sendai (RJSS) before reaching our final destination, the heavily populated area of Osaka (RJBB). We will cover most of the main island and visit some very interesting airports.

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying Continue reading


VATSIM Friday Night Ops in Hawaii *THIS FRIDAY* 2/11 0100-0400Z

Honolulu is going to be holding the Friday Night Ops event THIS FRIDAY the 11th, which will run from 0100 to 0400Z.  Instead of focusing on just one or two major airports, we are going to be lighting up the entire island chain with staffing for all fields.. even the little VFR pineapple strips.  While it’s not firm yet, we are looking for support from the Oakland center with Oakland Radio (Pacific Oceanic) coverage from the west coast to give pilots non-stop ATC from the west coast to the islands, and back.

Hawaii is getting even better thanks to Continue reading


Moncton FIR Announces 2011 Canada Games Fly In At CYHZ

The 2011 Canada Games are coming to Halifax, Nova Scotia and in honor of the games, Moncton FIR will be hosting a fly-in at the Halifax Stanfield International Airport (CYHZ) on the VATSIM network and will be open from 23h00Z-02h00Z on Saturday, February 12th. All inbound & outbound traffic is welcome so come and root on your favorite Province!

See you on February 12th!


Canadian Xpress February Fly-In: Canadian Prairies

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our February Fly-In where we discover the Canadian Prairies which covers three Canadian provinces; Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

Departing from Winnipeg (CYWG), we will head west to Saskatoon (CYXE) before continuing our journey to Calgary (CYYC).

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter Continue reading


Platinum Airways Flies the Fjords

Platinum Airways, the very Open Skies virtual airline, is planning yet another special series of Destination of the Week missions. Following its successful Conquest of the Snowy Mountains, the DOTW section will feature five unique destinations: Flying the Fjords, with missions taking its pilots to Norway, the Far Oer Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Alaska.

Destination of the Week (DOTW) has acquired a strong tradition with Platinum Airways ( of offering interesting missions. In January this year, Continue reading


Moncton FIR – Moncton Mondays on VATSIM

·         Just had that hard day at work?
·         Does the Monday Night Football game feature two lousy teams?
·         Do you want a great ATC filled event?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then come fly in the Moncton/Gander FIRs weekly event, Moncton Mondays starting at 23h00z on the VATSIM network! Each Monday, Continue reading


Eastern Airlines Virtual Friday Night Ops

Eastern Airlines Virtual kicks off Friday Night Ops:

We are very happy to announce that EAV will kick off Friday Night Ops on VATSIM on January 14th!

After over a year of putting FNO on the shelf, we have grown our online community and it’s time to light up the VATSIM sky.

Join in the fun!

Check out our banner for more information on our web site listed below.

Other great benefits include: Continue reading


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