

RCJ Transport VA Wiped Out By Flooding

RCJ Transport VA wishes to express to everyone in SC affected by the historic flooding on October 2-5, 2015 our deepest and heartfelt sympathies. This flood also affected our VA as well, as the building housing our servers was completely destroyed. Below you can find a link to some pics our CEO took, and some that were sent to him by family/friends. The disaster has caused us to cease all operations until January 2016, when we will hopefully have new servers in place and back up and running.

Pics Here

Those of you wishing to help those affected by the flood, please contact the SCEMD.

Our CEO lives in Sumter, SC where as much as 27″ of rain fell in a 72-hr period.

A little small request, if I may, have everyone who reads this post please say a small prayer for my community as we recover from this.

Thank you.
Joseph Rogg, Jr.
RCJ Transport VA


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