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Boston ARTCC | Moncton FIR – The Fundy Rush

Halifax and Boston have a long relationship in trade, disaster relief and tourism dating back to Halifax’s incorporation in 1749. From shipping and commerce routes, Boston’s heroic and rapid dispatch of relief following the Halifax explosion and our Christmas tree tradition, to booming cross-border tourism and mutual support of Boston’s sports teams, the bond between the these two cities is great.

In honor of these close ties, the Boston ARTCC and the Moncton FIR are pleased to present The Fundy Rush that will be held on Wednesday August 15th, 2012 – 19h00est-23h00est (23h00z-03h00z) on the VATSIM network. Halifax Stanfield International CYHZ) and Boston Logan International (KBOS) will be staffed from the ground up during this event, including Center positions ensuring radar coverage from Clearance to shutdown.

All pilots are encouraged to participate despite your skill level, to join and celebrate the continued friendship between these two cities. Join early and fly a round trip, experiencing the departures and arrivals of Continue reading


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