
VA of the year

Lynx Airways Worldwide Sky Blue Radio VA Of The Year

On Sunday January 22nd, Sky Blue Radio was honored to select Lynx Airways Worldwide as the first recipient of the Sky Blue Radio VA of the Year. “Lynx Airways Worldwide has been in existence for almost 20 years and exemplifies the spirit of community that Sky Blue Radio wishes to celebrate.” said station manager Jeff “JT” Turner.

Entries from 17 other virtual airlines made the selection difficult. The judges panel consisting of Sky Blue Radio staff and listeners brought a list of who they felt represented community. Each list was comprised of their selections and was varied, but Lynx was on everyone’s list of finalists.

On hearing of their selection Ivan Rivas, CEO of Lynx said, “I am very honored by your selection of Lynx Airways Worldwide as VA of the Year.” As Sky Blue Radio’s VA of the Year, Lynx will become a large part of the Sky Blue Radio family throughout the coming year.

Sky Blue Radio wishes to thank all those VA’s that submitted entries to the contest and to those VA’s that promoted their organization on the Sky Blue Radio airwaves. It was such a huge success that Sky Blue Radio will be offering anther VA Days weekend sooner rather than waiting until next year. Please keep your eyes peeled for another VA Days weekend in the coming months.

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