

Canadian Xpress June Fly-In – FlightSimCon

CXA_June_2015_FlyInFlightSimCon is the annual flight simulator show and convention for all of us simmers. This year it’s being held at the New England Air Museum at Bradley Airport just outside of Hartford CT in Windsor Locks.

All the big manufactures will be there at this year’s event including Aerosoft to Saitek to name a few.

This month’s fly-in is going to take place during the event in to Bradley airport. VATSIM and Boston Virtual ATC will have exhibits at FlightSimCon, so there is a good chance our fly-in will Continue reading


Canadian Xpress January Fly-In – Kai Tak

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on January 23rd where we will go back in time to fly The most dangerous approach that ever existed: The KAI TAK checkered board approach!

Departing from Manila in the Philippines, we will head north to Hong Kong, and with weather conditions permitting, we will fly the IGS Rwy 13 checkered board approach in Kai Tak.

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the Vatsim network. Continue reading


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