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Washington Wednesdays

ZDC Re-Christens Washington Wednesdays

ZDC is putting new life into an old tradition with the re-introduction of Washington Wednesdays. Washington Wednesdays (or WW) is a weekly informal event where ZDC in general and the Potomac TRACON in specific is staffed to levels exceeding that of a normal weeknight. Pilots are encouraged to fly in or out of our airspace between 0000z and 0300z (7-10PM Eastern). Key cities include BWI, DCA, IAD, ADW, RIC, ORF, RDU, etc.  This event will be running weekly for the duration of the summer.

ZDC is a division of VATUSA, the North American branch of VATSIM. Home of the Nation’s Capitol, the Potomac TRACON is procedurally one of the most challenging airspace in the world.

More information may be found at our web site:


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