Tucson, Arizona - Arizona Express Airways is enthusiastically recruiting pilots and we are now accepting pilot applications! No experience is needed
The Arizona Express Airways Staff is committed to ensuring the very best travel experience for passengers and pilots. We’re here to serve you. Arizona Express Virtual Airway, Your Gateway to the West!
Arizona Express Virtual Airway is a pristine virtual airline that serves travelers throughout the virtual aviation world. We have worked hard to bring flight simulation to a new level with a sense of community and friendship. If you are bored with flying alone on Flight Simulator, we encourage you to try out the unique experience of flying Arizona Express. The mission of Arizona Express Virtual Airway is to advance the virtual aviation hobby through enhancing the experience of virtual aviation enthusiasts around the globe. In accordance with our steadfast belief in the spirit and freedom of flight, we strive to provide a realistic community open to pilots and enthusiasts of all backgrounds and experience levels. This, our ultimate goal, is accomplished primarily through the creation and maintenance of a state of the art automated website with features befitting the finest of the world’s virtual airlines. Looking always to the future, and realizing the good is ever the enemy of the best, we do not seek merely the good, but the best. There is ever before us the ideal of excellence…
Our Hub Cities
*Tucson (KTUS) Tucson International Airport
Phoenix (KPHX) Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
We have a Teamspeak 3 server at
Our website is www.azxpressvirtual.info
Three-letter designator: AZX
Telephony designator: ARIZONA
Airline Short Name: AZ Xpress
Any questions should be submitted to our Director of Human Resources at hrdirector@azxpressvirtual.info
To join go to: http://www.azxpressvirtual.info/#!join-us
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