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Viva Las Vegas: Premier Airways Moves to McCarran

Premier Airways recently announced they will be moving their hub from Mineta San Jose International Airport, California to McCarran International in Las Vegas Nevada. Premier Airways President and CEO stated “in our current economic challenges, we must utilize the attraction of an airport such as McCarran”. Paul Herman also stated “we will operate expanded flight operations from Las Vegas to the entire west coast as well as main destinations throughout the United States”. Premier Airways will operate from Concourse A beginning October 25, 2008.
In an unrelated story Premier Airways has announced the addition of four ATR72-500 aircraft, 2 will be based in Las Vegas and 2 will be based in Boston. Premier Airways CFO stated “the ATR gives us a strategic advantage on certain routes [operating at a cost] 40% below that of a regional jet. This allows us to keep our costs low and give our customers a value priced flight.”

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