
Skybus Launch is a Success Says CEO

Opening day for SkyBus was a success. Yesterday morning at approximately 9:00am Skybus plane SX522 pushed from its gate bound for Richmond Va. Once the plane landed in Richmond, SX522 parked at its gate, the pilots and crew made a turnaround time of 30 minutes, then headed back to the Buckeye nation. “It was amazing to see, feel and hear your plane push back and know we are going to make a difference in the VA World” says CEO Justin Caughenbaugh, also Captain of the flight.

Once the initial flight was made, the A319 then carried passengers to Greensboro NC and back with a turnaround time of 23 minutes.

As the new era of Skybus VA is here we had a chance to speak with one of the passengers on board and this is what she said. “I wanted to thank you so much for the great flight I just flew from Greensboro NC to Port Columbus OH and I loved the flight. Everyone was great, I can not wait to fly again with you all. Keep up the great work”.

Joe Poston, the CFO and also First Officer of the flights reported, “The current earnings with two aircraft flying on opening day and carrying 932 passengers made a whopping $208,380.00.”

“It is a very good feeling to this amount on two planes that went to two destinations, just think what Skybus Va’s profit is going to be when all 65 planes are in action and to all destinations.” Says Justin.


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