
Eagle Wings Virtual Seeks Pilots

Eagle Wings is pleased to offer interested pilots a position at EGW.

We trust that your knowledge, skills and experience will be among our most valuable assets.

We are a premier virtual airline operating mostly on the European airline market with flight spanning the entire globe. Currently, we serve more than 100 destinations worldwide from our hub in Zagreb (LDZA, Croatia) and London (EGLL, UK) with a modern and diverse fleet ranging from turboprops to intercontinental jets. Our dedicated team is a group of flexible, innovative, and professional individuals dedicated to the Eagle Wings vision. We listen to our pilots and the industry changing needs and work together to create solutions enabling us to maximize profits today and tomorrow.

We welcome everybody – from the total newcomers to flight sims to professional pilots with thousands of real life hours. Our growing community if always here if you need support or just want to exchange views and ideas. Even if you need a bit of extra training we can help you with that!

What can we offer you as a pilot?

  • A modern and up to date website with integrated pirep system
  • A personal touch….you will get to know each member of the team
  • Diverse fleet with a modern livery
  • Up to date statistics
  • Open group of flight enthusiasts dedicated to the development of EGW

If you are interested in paritcipating visit our website and Come Soar With Us!!!

Ivan Ozvatic
CEO Eagle Wings


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