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US Airways Virtual Airlines Announces Major Policy Changes

Tempe, Arizona - US Airways Virtual Airlines has announced and released to the public its newest release of the Airline Operations Handbook, version 4.0. This major revision of the policies has been rewritten from scratch and includes new procedural information, policies, and updated organizational structures. It is considered to be a step forward for the organization.

Marcus Smallegan, Vice President of Public Relations for USAVA commented on the new manual earlier today. “I am very pleased to announce this to the personnel here at US Airways Virtual Airlines; it truly marks the beginning of our organizational transformation into the world’s foremost Virtual Airline. Our staff has worked on the contents of this document from the beginnings of Steve Bumpus’ tenure as Chief Executive Officer. A careful review of our operations and how to best organize the airline to serve the interests of our pilots revealed a need to update the archaic policies that we had (from 2008). Information was missing, procedures were extraordinarily vague, and the most attentive reader would not have had enough content in the prior version to succeed in understanding the operations of USAVA. What we have done is give our pilots all of the information they need to do what they do best: fly and enjoy the experience we offer. Not only did we update the procedures, we released the first Code of Conduct for the organization. As we have grown, so has the diversity of our pilot base, and we need to have a universal policy that governs the conduct of all members. We hope that 4.0 gives our personnel the guidance they need in their journey as a pilot with USAVA.”

The policy manual can be downloaded by logging into your crew center on the main website, clicking on the “Documents” link, and then selecting “Airline Operations Handbook.” All personnel are now bound by the policies in this document. Membership in USAVA is a binding agreement to follow these policies and procedures (along with the Code of Conduct). Immediate review is required, and any questions should be directed to your Vice President of Operations.



US Airways Virtual Airlines, utilizing both mainline and US Airways Express fleet, offers more than 3,000 flights and serves more than 200 destinations throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean and Latin America. The airline currently consists of over 550 pilots. For more company information, visit and click on “About US.”


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