
Eagle Wings Looking to Fill 2 Staff Positions

The positions available are Assistant Hub Manager North America & Assistant Hub Manager Northern & Western Europe.

If you’re interested, they would like to welcome you to their team. Please ensure, that you fulfill the following criteria:

  • You are at least 16 years old
  • You’re fluent and proficient in English
  • You’re able to work in a team
  • You have creative ideas
  • You own a valid e-mail-address
  • You have ability to comunicate over skype
  • A few free hours avaliable for meetings
  • Previous VA management experience is an advantage

Your duties:

  • Developing and implementing sesonal schedules
  • Marketing and head hunting in the assigned area
  • Maintaining a presence on the IVAO network

What we are offering:

  • A great chance to start your virtual career
  • A place to You can bring your ideas to life
  • A fun and cooperative enviroment

How can you apply?
Please contact them via


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