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MetroAir Virtual Announces Staff Changes

From the Desk of Lindle J. Romero :

It is with great sadness that I announce that Derrick Medlin has tendered his resignation as hub manager to the executives.  Derrick has been not only a hub manager but a friend, confidant, and mentor to the entire pilot base as a whole.  I’m happy to report that he will remain on as a pilot and has not ruled out the possibility of returning to staff one day.  You will continue to see him flying online for the Kansas City Krushers, as well as seeing him on Teamspeak, etc.  I speak for the entire executive team, staff and pilots of MetroAir when extending our sincerest “Thank you” to Derrick for volunteering your personal time and for your dedication to all of us during your tenure as our Kansas City Hub Manager.  Derrick has definitely been a role model for all pilots, new and old alike.  Derrick will be handing over the keys to KMCI on February 1st, 2011.

With all that said, I would like to present Derrick with the highest honor we can bestow upon him here at MetroAir Virtual, the MetroAir Distinguished Service Award.  I can think of no one more deserving of the award.  Only six other pilots in the history of the VA have received this honor.
Congratulations Derrick!  

You can read a bit more from Derrick about his resignation in this thread:

ATTENTION ALL KMCI pilots: We need to bring a win to KMCI for our departing Hub Manager, we can definitely pull this off.  Let’s give him a winning send off!

I’m pleased to announce that Sean Mullineaux has graciously accepted the position of Kansas City Hub Manager.  Sean joined MetroAir Virtual on November 15, 2009.  He’s also one of our MetroAir mentors and has recently mentored the first MetroAir student of the new MetroAir University to graduation!  He’s on Teamspeak nightly and looks forward to working with everyone at Kansas City and the entire pilot base.  Even though he was a pilot at ONT, I’m sure he will rally the forces behind Kansas City now to keep the paddle and award where it belongs (Me biased?…Nawwww :D)  He’ll be working with Derrick for the remainder of the month becoming familiar with all the systems behind the scenes to keep KMCI running like the finely tuned machine Derrick has built it up to.

Best Regards,
Lindle J. Romero
Chief Personnel Officer
MetroAir Virtual Airlines


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