
Execair Seeking Management Staff

ExecAir is actively seeking applications for staff vacancies as of today. You can find out more about the VA at the website: We will also be happy to answer any questions, either posted on their website or sent by email. We ask that all applicants are able to demonstrate that they have some relevant experience, and we are only accepting applications from people aged 18years and over. In addition, all those wishing, staff or pilot members, to join ExecAir will have to undertake an online exam, in which they will be asked 20 multiple choice questions on ExecAir, general avionic and flight simulator knowledge. It is essential that anyone applying reads the ExecAir Pilots Handbook before making the application, it can be found here:…/pilotshandbook

The current vacancies at ExecAir are as follows:

HR Manager
This is a senior position. The post holder is responsible for overseeing recruitment and membership within ExecAir.

Flight Operations Director
This is a senior position, and the post holder is responsible for developing and promoting the flight operations of ExecAir.

Publicity Manager
The Publicity Manager is responsible for ensuring ExecAir is being promoted online. In addition, the publicising of ExecAir events and recruitment drives is a direct responsibility with this role.

ExecAir Training Director
The ETD is responsible for delivering effective, engaging and enjoyable training to all pilots wishing to participate.

Training Officers
There are two types of training officers, who are overseen by the ExecAir Training Director:

  • ExecAir Systems Training Officer (ESTO)
    Responsible for providing training to new recruits on the ExecAir PIREP, ACARS and flight booking systems.
  • ExecAir Flight Training Officer (EFTO)
    Responsible for providing basic and advanced flight training to pilots who wish to undertake such training.

Further positions may become available as ExecAir expands its operations. To apply for any of these positions, please send an email to stuart at execair dot org, with the following information:

Previous Experience
Short description of why you are applying
Any other relevant information


Stuart Boardman
CEO – ExecAir


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