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Virtual Spirit Airlines Seeking Experienced Staff!

Virtual Spirit Airlines is seeking Experienced Staff for the positions of Chief Operating Officer, President, and we are also seeking an experienced painter. For the time being we will be working out of our Fort Lauderdale –Hollywood Florida base.

We have a total of 18 aircraft, all assigned to the Fort Lauderdale base of operations.

For more info visit:


One Response to Virtual Spirit Airlines Seeking Experienced Staff!

  • Alexander Lopez says:

    my name is Alexander Lopez, pilot and virtual trainer pilot.
    I’v got a wide experience in training pilots.
    Group and private lessons
    I know at perfection all about ATC procedures, Checklists,Taxiways, High and low routes, Navigation charts, ILS approachings, instrumental system, gauges, and so on

    I’m very interested in flight instruction as pilots trainer for your virtual airline.

    All my best

    Alexander Lopez

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