
1 Air Virtual Celebrates 2 Months of Flying

1 Air Virtual, a new airline operating out of EGGD (Bristol) is this week celebrating its 2nd month of operations.
Starting off with just 3 aircraft, the airline has grown to a fleet of 7 aircraft, consisting of 2 A320, 3 A318 and a single ERJ145 with a recently delivered 757 which, according to their CEO “Will help our airline expand into the European market”.

According there COO, Oliver Cooksey; “We have seen a high amount of demand on our routes operating out and into Bristol and this will allow us to open more routes to new destinations in the future. The only problem where facing at this time is the high level of un-employment in the UK which has harmed most businesses. It is this which is slowing down the expansion of our airline so we will be doing a large recruitment campaign over the next few months”.

The airline has a relatively good type rating system where pilots can rank up from the A318 and ERJ145, the airlines smallest aircraft, to the A320 and 757 in as quick as 10 hours. In a recent interview the airline CEO was ask why the airline trained pilots in jet aircraft. The CEO responded to the question stating that; “Unlike some of the larger airlines where students only get to fly Props, our students get to gain experience in jets, allowing an easy transition to our larger aircraft.”

1 Air virtual operates to over 20 destinations across Europe in Modern, state of the art jetliners.

Anyone who wishes to be a pilot for 1 Air Virtual can join them at .


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