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New VAFlash Website Launched!

As you may have noticed, we have finally got around to rebranding our website.  While I would not consider this new design “complete”, I thought it made sense to just go ahead and change the site before the new year.  It’s already been a year and a month since I announced the the website rebranding!  Many things contributed to the postponement of the redesign but, I am glad that it’s finally started.  I believe the new design will assist us with branching out to do reviews, editorials, and to better serve the Flight Sim Community as a whole.

I hope you like what I’ve come up with, I’m certainly not a professional designer!  I wanted to keep it simple yet more functional with more space dedicated to news and future content.  Thanks to all our readers and the virtual airlines who post on VAFlash!  I hope each and every one of you, your pilots, and staff have a very successful and productive new year!

Best Regards,
Lindle Romero


2 Responses to New VAFlash Website Launched!

  • Mike Adamo says:

    Love the new look and feel Lindle. Looking forward to visiting here daily for my fs and va fix.

    All the best and if you need a hardware/tweaker contributor, I’d be more than happy to help :-)

  • admin says:

    Thanks Sir! I would definitely take you up on that offer! We should talk soon..


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