
Announcing Gemini Air Cargo

Miami International Airport – Headquarters Gemini Air Cargo Virtual Airline (GCO)

Gemini Virtual has been flying for only two months now, but we are aggressively pursuing making a name for our-self in the va community.

Ceo Richard Lund has flown for over 6 years  in va’s like Northeastern Virtual, Virgin Blue, Virgin America with Sim Airlines; is a virtual Lcol in virtual Air National Guard, and was a chief pilot for virtual Southwest before retiring to form this va.

Manager of Flight Scheduling and MD11 captain Florian Fermuller has over 2000 hours on VATSIM as a European pilot and as such is quite experienced in virtual airlines as well.

We intend to make Gemini Virtual the va to belong to if you are a serious cargo pilot looking for exotic destinations in Europe, the Mideast and Africa. We have over 130 schedules to fly.

With hubs at Kennedy International in New York and Miami International in the USA we fly cargo daily to our clients destinations.  Our primary address in Europe is Ostend in Belgium.  We are also a C.A.R.E. airline as well as CRAF with the DOT and DOD flying to military bases worldwide. with these affiliations you never know where a flight will take you.

We approach every flight with a sense of professionalism by providing not only METARS for the departure and arrival airports but each has a complete set of airport and approach plates downloadable as current as available by just a click.  Weather and winds aloft are also in the pilot briefing.

We have downloadable free DC10-30F and MD-11F and payware textures for our pilots for these aircraft as well.  We have a small but well refurbished fleet.

Each day pilots are emailed the days available flights.  We recognize those who go above and beyond with appropriate awards like “Most VATSIM Flights during the month”  “Most Flights during the month” and an Innovation Award for ideas to improve the va; a CARE award for flying a CARE flight and a CRAF award for conducting a flight for the DOT or DOD.  Pilots will also receive service awards for each 12 months of service with a real bonus from the va to personally use (under discussion).

If this sounds like the “front office” you want to fly, apply for consideration as a pilot with us.  We also have a couple admin positions we are interviewing applicants for as well which can be seen under “Careers” on our website.

For those va pilots who are just starting out, we can provide training to hone your ATP skills through written materials and also links to video materials.

Gemini Virtual is an up and coming contender making a name for our-self in the va community.  Join us for the ride.


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